the Resilience ToolBox Training™

What makes it unique, and better.

Would you like to feel safe? Would you like to be free from shame? Would you like the confidence to get a job, or a better one? How would it feel to be “alive,” or to feel “real” as some clients have reported? Would you like to be empowered? Would you like to heal developmental trauma, PTSDs, or adult trauma? Learn how to successfully complete stress cycles so they are gone, rather than manage the symptoms? Have you spent thousands and feel like little has been accomplished? Would you like to heal trauma without having to talk about it, or even remember it? Do you want to be free of the past?

This isn’t a get healed quick scheme. If you’re looking for that, you’re in the wrong place. Healing may not be a life sentence, yet it doesn’t happen over night. Anyone promising that doesn’t know trauma, or healing. Trauma however, is very curable! It’d doesn’t develop that fast, and it certainly won’t go away that fast. When trauma and it’s symptoms do go away, they will go away for good.

The Resilience Toolbox training is an assessment based 12 month program that is for those willing to be responsible for their own healing from trauma (including secondary), and not to be just a survivor. This is about living full, living large, with wellness in the unity of the emotions, intellect, body, consciousness, social relationships, and your immediate environment. You can own you, and be free to feel all your feelings, think all your thoughts (I don’t believe all of mine), be free in relationships, be in love, not co-dependent, to have boundaries, to establish what you want to believe and knowing why you believe what you believe, and free to express yourself in the place you live in.

The trauma healing program itself. It is “oft imitated, never duplicated.”

  • The program is a year long, and that isn’t based on insurance restrictions or any nebulous concept around the number of sessions that you need to have to learn to “cope.” This is 12 months of four weekly sessions per month that focus on aspects other than your wounding events. Yes, it requires you to be responsible for your own healing, and doing what work there is. That is in fact, your one guarantee. There are three reasons for this 12 month length:

    • To develop habits. Learning the use of tools to the point of mastery isn’t about a weekend, or 21 days. It is about many repetitions, and a year is a solid amount of time to practice repetitions! This is also the necessary time to begin to see changes in yourself, and to be able to track them. Healing isn’t a microwave experience. Those promising two hours, two sessions, two weeks, two months and so on have no idea about the human organism or trauma. You will not heal in a year. I didn’t. It took me a little over 5 years. However, I was able to do my own work after a year. And that 5 years was worth every second since. You can heal. For good.

    • The building of the developmental needs of attunement and attachment. At the core of developmental trauma, these two are critical. The program also starts on the reconnection to the body, which is the very first disconnect of traumatizing stress in infants. These aspects develop because of the live interaction with the provider.

    • Coming out of attunement and attachment into that place of co-regulation is an elixir! It is truly the foundation of all fulfilling relationships, whether or not they are work related, friendships, or romantic. Being in the relative safe and comfortable healing environment with a Mentor allows the nervous system to restore it’s ability to feel safe, to tell when others are safe to trust, or even be around, and when it’s appropriate to take risks without fear of crushing rejection.

    • Most importantly, the development of safety as a felt sense in the body. Without that there is no healing at all.

    • There is a SM community just for the clients who opt in to be members of Raise Your Resilience, as a form of after care as well as a place to get to know one another and the providers that drop in. In other words, work on those social skills!

    • The program starts where the issue of trauma starts - in the body. Not in the brain. Trauma starts in the body and moves back into the psyche. With top-down and bottom up tools, there is an integrated healing process that develops life skills while symptoms dissolve. The focus is on growth, not the trauma.

    • Is an investment, not a cost. YOU aren’t a cost. You have value, greater than that of any monetary investment. Let’s look ayt it this way. An investment in common thinking wants a return, correct? You invest X, you get X= in return. If you became a btter employee by healing your trauma, would that not open the door for a higher wage? To break even against the investment of the program strictly financially speaking would be $2.04 an hour. In my experience I made that jump and more just in my last wage increase. Now, let’s look at the intrinsic that go along with healing trauma, those “soft skills” that employers are looking for: communication (the community membership), critical thinking (cognitive element of the program, months 4 and 5), creativity (right brain waking up from trauma), emotional intelligence (emotions element of program, months 2 and 3), and conflict management membership community practice, emotional and cognitive elements of the program), and work ethic (that work ethic is completing the 12 month program, and doing the work. The intrinsic value of that alone…?) The upshot is you’ll be able to tell when it’s time to move to a better opportunity with a greater degree of confidence, assurance that moving out of your comfort zone is the best thing to do, and the courage to face possible failure. YOU, are not a cost, you are an investment. What do you want out of your investment?

      That being said, the one time payment is $5000 USD in a single payment, or $477 USD per month. Every year it will increase by the inflation rate.

      A word about my pricing.

      I’ve been told my pricing is too low. In terms of value versus investment, yes, my prices are too low. And they couldn’t be high enough. Ever. You’ll feel that value in your body some day, and know what an incredible deal you got. I have felt it myself many times.

      There were two things Henry Ford did that revolutionized the car industry. First, he made the Model T into the every day car by revisioning how it was made. It went from taking 12.5 hours to make one copy, to 93 minutes pulling the chassis along the floor with a rope, and adding parts as it went. And that created a challenge for the workers, some of whom decided it was too difficult. So to stem the flow of workers out the door, he decided to pay them $5 a day. And the Model T was $269. Now the workers could afford what they built.

      Yes, I’m comparing a little. I could price my program at $10,000. I know of a single tool program that is $3000 per month. I could create a “high ticket” program, and it would appeal to how many people? I think you get where I’m going. The need now is too great to be slapping a price that can never really match the value. When if I fill my calendar, I’m going to be making a decent living. When I start training mentors, they will make decent livings. They will have bought my Model T, and then help others do that, and hopefully there will be mentors in every state, operating their franchises with a market with no end in sight. Will Raise Your Resilience be the Ford of trauma healing? That’s somewhat the idea. The price will increase with inflation every so often, and for those who still can’t move at that level of investment, there is the course mentioned below.

The Toolbox course™ - under construction! 18% of the videos are complete, and then the beta test!

Anyone who knows me knows that I have long stood against courses. For good reason. I have yet to see one where those taking it have any real way to have questions answered, and, more importantly, no live connection, which is so important to healing childhood issues. However, I know that there will be those who cannot afford the premium Toolbox program. The course is a flat fee of $117 USD per month. Module 2 requires paying for the Mixed Emotions cards. I decided to create a hybrid to solve both issues. The course will be automated. It is the same program as the premium program. The same materials. The one key and major difference is that there will not be live weekly sessions. I will be checking in with all those in the course at set times of the month, to answer questions, and hopefully just get to know people, and encourage them, and hear their stories. I am contemplating going way back to my Alcohol and drug abuse counseling days and setting up a group session. That is still just an idea, with no bones even. It is people in the course and program that I want to hear from, and some may be featured in blog posts, podcast interviews, and have their testimonies put on the website. And if it turns out there are several from a certain area, why not a practice group and get together to develop those relationships? We are wired to connect. Eventually there will be a VP of Raise Your Resilience whose job it will be to make sure questions get answered in a timely fashion, and not by anyone. It will be by a trained Mentor of the Mentor Program. What is that you ask? Keep reading….

Regardless of your choice, click the button below. It is the next steps!

Mentor Program™

I see your curiosity has drawn you here….The Mentor Program is for those who catch the bug of the Raise Your Resilience vision. Primarily, the desire to help people heal their own trauma. The steps are simple, though there is a lot of work involved.

  • Step one is to graduate the Toolbox program. This is a requirement. If you want to be considered as a Mentor, then certain reading is required to be one. You can start right here. You don’t need all of these….. You can start this during the Toolbox Program. It is suggested that you read a couple to few of every Module subject. Not all in a year, and maybe you have other titles to consider. Submit those for consideration!

  • Step Two is to move into training in the 2nd year, meaning you will be setting up sessions with people, in which you will be following the Mentor Program guidelines with clients, and leading them through the Toolbox program, just like you went through.

    • More reading will be required, and the reporting will be more in depth.

    • You have a choice of adding an elective - somewhere or some issue that you see needs the attention of healing trauma.

  • Step three: play. The ability to play is a big one in life! If you’re already part of a team sport, like Ultimate Frisbee, or Frisbee Golf, or darts, softball, martial arts, and so on, kudos! I cannot emphasize enough how important movement is. That is the general purpose of this requirement. It can be started back in step one. A great place to start is walking. I walk after dinner at night. Not setting records, I go to observe. I might stop and take in a rose, or take a picture. I go out to find wonder. I have elevation change, uneven surface, and about 15 minutes. Rain or shine.

    • Things I do: I was a Krav Maga instructor, so I still do workouts on a light bag. Great cardio in a short time.

    • I ride my e-bike to work (for now), and to places where I can then hike trails. In future retreats here on Whidbey, the Ebey walk might be a requirement….

    • I work out regularly with kettlebells, my own body weight, and resistance bands.

    • I do Qi Gong.

  • Step Four: Business reading. There are three books you want to read - E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber, Profit First by Michael Michalowicz, and The ABCs of Money, 6th Edition by Natalie Pace.

mentor coach™

Program qualifications still being constructed. Basically, you train Mentors.

Agency Training

This involves teaching agencies that counteract with people how to do their jobs and recover from them. This could be legal groups (lawyers, jury pools), dispatchers, police, firefighters, EMTs, Paramedics, flight crews, nurses, ER staff, and so on. Also being constructed.